About the program

Queensland Treasury’s (Treasury) Scholarship Program has been designed to attract high performing individuals into Treasury to begin developing useable skills and experience whilst undertaking their studies.Students gain an understanding of the work Treasury undertakes and at the successful completion of the scholarship program students are appointed permanently to Treasury and become a graduate in Treasury’s 12 month graduate program.

The principles of Treasury’s scholarship program are as follows:

In 2016 three scholarships will be provided to university students.

Scholarships will be offered to students in the penultimate year of study and will only be offered to students completing an undergraduate degree at a recognised Queensland University.

An offer of a Treasury scholarship will be dependent on the nominated applicant entering into a Scholarship Contract.

Scholarship holders will be provided with the following financial assistance:

-Reimbursement of educational expenses to the value of $2,000 per year

-Reimbursement of up to 75% of the upfront payment or discounted FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP

Scholarship holders will be provided with a 12-week paid work experience placement for each year of the scholarship.

The continuation of each scholarship will depend on the scholarship holder making satisfactory progress toward their attainment of the qualification, i.e. achievement of a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or greater.

Scholarship holders will be required to commit to a period of bonded service of two years at the completion of the scholarship, i.e. one year service for each year of the scholarship period.

Nominated applicants will be required to provide written consent to undertake criminal history screening.


We are seeking applications from the following disciplines:Economics, Public Policy, Accounting, Commerce and Finance.

Work Placement

Examples of the roles that scholarship holders may be required to undertake during their work placement include the following:

Treasury analysts / commercial analysts may monitor the financial and non-financial performance of government agencies and identify opportunities for improvement; provide advice on financial, economic and public policy issues; and conduct research and analyse financial and policy issues and prepare and present findings.

Economists may assist in providing advice on the current and future performance of the Queensland economy; monitor and analyse the national economy and its implications on Queensland and its regions; assist with the provision of economic advice on a range of policy issues; and assist in the preparation of research reports, submissions, briefing notes and other documents.

Policy officers may be responsible for conducting research, analysing policy issues and preparing and presenting findings and recommendations; assisting in preparing and compiling submissions and briefing materials; and providing information relevant to policy and legislative issues.

Accountants may be responsible for assisting in the development and review of departmental financial policies; providing advice in relation to financial accounting and financial reporting; operational financial accounting such as journal preparation, reconciliations, vendor/payment certification, financial system maintenance; monitoring of the department’s budget performance; and contributing to whole-of-Government financial management and reporting policies.

Queensland Treasury Groups

Treasury has six business areas that share a strong fiscal, economic and commercial focus:

Fiscal Group – is the principal source of fiscal advice for the Queensland Government.Fiscal provide policies, strategies and advice at a whole-of-Government level to promote value-for-money service delivery. Fiscal’s focus contributes to the management of the State’s finances and advancing the performance of the Queensland economy to support growth and employment.

Economic Group – is the principal source of economic advice to the Queensland Government.The group undertakes a diverse range of activities that include economic, demographic and social research; commercial, strategic and policy advice in relation to Queensland Government owned corporations; support for and proactive involvement in the Government’s reform program; advice relating to financial relations between Queensland and the Commonwealth; advice in relation to water reform, economic policy, carbon pricing, economic regulation and competition policy.

Commercial Group – optimises the State’s investment in and provision of infrastructure to communities by investigating and evaluating funding, procurement and delivery models, and maximising private investment in Queensland’s infrastructure.

Office of State Revenue – is responsible for collecting state taxes; collecting mining and petroleum royalties; providing education and support to registered self-assessors; conducting audits and recovering unpaid taxes and royalties; administering the Great Start Grant; and providing revenue policy advice and legislative services to the Government.Office of State Revenue is also responsible for the State Penalties Enforcement Registry.

Office of Industrial Relations – comprises function of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, the Electrical Safety Office, the Workers Compensation Regulator, Industrial Relations Policy and Regulation and Public Sector Industrial Relations.

Corporate Group – provides a range of broad corporate functions to Treasury, including finance, human resources, facilities, information technology and internal audit.Corporate Group also incorporates legal services, insurance commission (providing whole-of-government insurance coverage and the regulatory function for the Motor Accident Insurance Scheme), and the State Actuary (with its own range of clients and advisory functions).

Are you the right person for the job?

The table below provides an overview of the core capabilities required for a scholarship holder in Queensland Treasury.Your experience, skills and achievements will be assessed against these capabilities.

Core Capabilities Description
GREAT THINKING Thinking Strategically You understand Queensland Treasury’s objectives and how your work and team contributes to these objectives.You think about upcoming change and how it may impact on work.
Analysis and Use of Evidence You identify and analyse situations and issues, gather appropriate evidence, consider options and make sound decisions.
Professional Excellence You commit to personal and professional/technical growth, show initiative, innovation and self-awareness.You are willing to learn and share knowledge.
GREAT WITH PEOPLE Influential Communication You listen, interpret and convey information in the best way, selecting the most appropriate and influential method of communication.
Valuing People You start to build networks, maintain relationships, acknowledge contributions of others work and deal with others honestly, fairly and with respect.
Leading People You conduct yourself in an ethical, business-like and professional way.You seek feedback and respond constructively.You take responsibility for your own actions and respond flexibly to change.
GREAT DELIVERY Managing Relationships You achieve outcomes because you collaborate and cultivate productive working relationships.
Managing Resources You show an understanding of value for money considerations and use your time and Queensland Treasury resources wisely.
Achieving Results

You achieve excellent outcomes because you are solutions focused and methodical, manage risks and issues and drive intended results.

Interested in applying?

Applications are to be submitted via the Queensland Government Graduate Portallocated at www.graduates.qld.gov.au and selecting ‘Student Opportunities’ and ‘Register your Interest’. Applications received in any other format will not be accepted.

Applications close on Friday, 28 August 2015.Late applications will not be accepted.

Applicants must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.New Zealand citizenship is also acceptable.International students are not eligible to apply.

Applicants will be informed via email if they have/have not been successful in progressing to the next stage of the application process.Ensure you provide an email address that you check regularly and check your junk mail box.