The Career Mentor Scheme provides you with the opportunity to be matched with an industry professional to support your career development and assist you with your transition from study in to the workforce.

To be eligible to participate in the Career Mentor Scheme you must have completed a minimum of 96 credit points of an undergraduate bachelor degree or currently enrolled in a post graduate degree with a GPA of 4.0 and above. Please complete the registration form here providing details about your professional interests and your course of study at QUT. This information will then be used to match you with a mentor who has common interests and experience in similar areas.

Once you are matched with a mentor, you will become their ‘mentee’ for the duration of the academic year (typically from April until November), however you are encouraged to continue the mentoring relationship beyond this time.

While every effort is made to match you with a mentor, sometimes this will not be possible if there are no mentors available within your discipline area. However, the Career Mentor Scheme Coordinator is continually recruiting mentors and often students who missed out in the initial matching stage will be matched with a mentor later on in the year.

The Career Mentor Scheme is an invaluable experience for students, matching students with an industry mentor during a year of their study.

Advantages of participating:

• Gain access to advice from an industry professional;
• Receive information and knowledge straight from the real world;
• Valuable networking opportunities; and
• Forge a supportive, on-going professional relationship to support your career

For more information please see