2025 Semester 2 CASP-Centralised Assessment and Selection Program Application Form

The Centralised Assessment and Selection Program (CASP), is an admissions pathway that can assist Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people enter most undergraduate and some postgraduate (coursework) courses at QUT.
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Personal Details

The Centralised Assessment and Selection Program (CASP) is an admissions pathway that can assist Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in entering most undergraduate and some postgraduate (coursework) courses at QUT.

In filling out this form, you will be asked to supply:

  • Evidence of Aboriginality and/or Torres Strait Islander descent; for more information, see the CATSID page
  • (If you are a recent school leaver) a copy of your last official report card and
  • A 500-word written piece indicating why you want to undertake your chosen degree/s at QUT, including the reasons why you believe you can succeed at tertiary level studies and
  • An up-to-date resume

This form will time out after 30 minutes. We strongly advise you to complete your written piece and collate your supporting documents before completing this form.

If you have any questions relating to this application form or the CASP process, please contact the team by emailing information.oodgeroo@qut.edu.au.

A Confirmation or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent form or another form of evidence is required to access CASP. For more information and assistance, please contact the Oodgeroo Unit at information.oodgeroo@qut.edu.au
(Please upload PDF, Word or JPEG files)

Please contact the Oodgeroo Unit

To access CASP, you must submit a confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent form or another form of evidence. Please see the CATSID page for more information. If you have any further questions please contact the Oodgeroo Unit at information.oodgeroo@qut.edu.au

Please state your preferred form of interview.
QTAC Course Preference Two
I understand that if successful, I will place QUT as my first preference. Once selected, I will not change my first preference from QUT.
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